
Stepper is to AWS Step Functions as a programming language is to machine code.

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Stepper is a framework to create AWS Step Function state machines using a programmatic language (the Stepper language) instead of JSON. It allows you to author Step Functions using familiar programming constructs such as if then else , for and while loops and natural expressions if (arr.length > 1) and generates the appropriate ASL state machine JSON along with a supporting lambda that handles complex expressions. You can use any Javascript compliant expression on your data elements.

Here is an example. Given the following Stepper language:

state MyState {

	array1 = ["banana", "apples", "oranges"]

	if (array1.length >= 5) {
		middle = array1[array1.length / 2].toUpperCase();

		task {
			"Parameters": {
        		"MessageBody.$": "$.middle",
        		"QueueUrl": ""
			"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sqs:sendMessage"
	} else {
		middle = array1[0].toUpperCase();

		task {
			"Parameters": {
        		"MessageBody.$": "$.middle",
        		"QueueUrl": ""
			"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sqs:sendMessage"

the stepper framework generates the following State Machine ASL JSON:

    "StartAt": "state000",
    "States": {
            "state000": {
              "Type": "Pass",
              "Result": [
              "ResultPath": "$.array1",
              "Next": "state001"
            , "state001": {
              "Type": "Task",
              "Parameters": {
                "cmd__sm": "state001",
                "array1.$": "$.array1"
              "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:157023xxxxxx:function:testInput",
              "ResultPath": "$.var__000",
              "Next": "state002"
            , "state002": {
              "Type": "Choice",
              "Choices": [
                  "Variable": "$.var__000",
                  "BooleanEquals": true,
                  "Next": "state003"
                  "Variable": "$.var__000",
                  "BooleanEquals": false,
                  "Next": "state005"
            , "state003": {
              "Type": "Task",
              "ResultPath": "$.middle",
              "Parameters": {
                "cmd__sm": "state003",
                "array1.$": "$.array1"
              "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:157023xxxxxx:function:testInput",
              "Next": "state004"
            , "state004": {
              "Type": "Task",
              "Parameters": {
                "MessageBody.$": "$.middle",
                "QueueUrl": ""
              "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sqs:sendMessage",
              "Next": "state007"
            , "state005": {
              "Type": "Task",
              "ResultPath": "$.middle",
              "Parameters": {
                "cmd__sm": "state005",
                "array1.$": "$.array1"
              "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:157023xxxxxx:function:testInput",
              "Next": "state006"
            , "state006": {
              "Type": "Task",
              "Parameters": {
                "MessageBody.$": "$.middle",
                "QueueUrl": ""
              "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sqs:sendMessage",
              "Next": "state007"
            , "state007": {
              "Type": "Succeed"


The ASL produced has a placeholder Resource reference for the Lambda helper required. In a future release the lambda could be auto-registered and the arn populated. For now, the framework produces the lambda code as shown below and you have to register and populate the reference.

exports.handler = async (event) => {

        if (event.cmd__sm == "state001") {

            var array1 = event.array1;

            const response = array1.length>=5;
            return response;

        if (event.cmd__sm == "state003") {

            var array1 = event.array1;

            const response = array1[array1.length/2].toUpperCase();
            return response;

        if (event.cmd__sm == "state005") {

            var array1 = event.array1;

            const response = array1[0].toUpperCase();
            return response;

    else return {"error": "no branch matched"};

The code is at 0.1-SNAPSHOT version and currently only supports tasks, if statement and assignment expressions. The plan is to add the following features for the 1.0 release:

  • control structures
    • while, for control statements
    • iterator for collections
    • switch with patttern matching
  • task state name control
  • wait and other state types.
  • parallel task execution

It would be great to see Stepper grow to a point where it is supported natively in State Functions. This will allow even more advanced constructs (dynamic number of parallel tasks for example).

Getting Started

In the very crude 0.1 version, clone and build the code using gradle. Run com.eclecticlogic.stepper.Stepper as your main Java class and pass in a reference to the file containing your stepper language. The ASL and supporting json will be printed to console.

Next Steps

  • Unit tests for stepper language grammar
  • Release to maven repo
  • Create executable jar
  • Add support for language constructs to achieve 1.0 release.